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Biotite Mica Sheet, from Pokhabikha, Irkutsk, Russia (No.126)

£ 12.50
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Biotite Mica Sheet, from Pokhabikha, Irkutsk, Russia (No.126)Biotite Mica Sheet, from Pokhabikha, Irkutsk, Russia

Measurements Approx.
Height - 0.1 cm
Width - 4 cm
Length - 7.8 cm

The Mica group of sheet silicate minerals includes several closely related materials having nearly perfect basal cleavage. All are monoclinic, with a tendency towards pseudohexagonal crystals, and are similar in chemical composition. The nearly perfect cleavage, which is the most prominent characteristic of mica, is explained by the hexagonal sheet-like arrangement of its atoms.

The word mica is derived from the Latin word mica, meaning a crumb, and probably influenced by micare, to glitter.