

Jasper is a microcrystalline variety of Quartz, a silicon dioxide mineral, it’s crystal system is hexagonal (trigonal). In Jasper, the Quartz micro crystals are laid out in sugar-like grains, rather than the fibrous layers found in its close relative Chalcedony. The name Jasper is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘spotted stone’. Jasper can include up to 20% foreign materials, which account for it’s wide variety of colours and patterns. It occurs in nodules or as fillings in fissures. Jasper are found all over the world, including important deposits in India, Russia, Brazil, France, Germany, and  the USA.

As said perviously Jaspers come in a wide variety of colours and patterns. This can be very confusing as to what to type of Jasper to choose. But essentially all Jaspers may carry the same properties, which are protection, bring a calmness, and uplifting. Then each stone may have other properties depending on the colour, which can represent certain parts of the chakra, or as some believe green Jaspers for example may have connection to the Earth's energies.

Any additional information will be with said stone.